Обновление 42 для The Elder Scrolls Online доступно на PTS, полные примечания к патчу

Обновление 42 для The Elder Scrolls Online доступно на PTS, полные примечания к патчу

Примечания к обновлению ESO — 21 сентября 2022 г.

Bethesda недавно выпустила обновление 42 для The Elder Scrolls Online на общедоступном тестовом сервере (PTS). Они также представили полный список изменений в этом обновлении. Среди заметных улучшений разработчики включили поддержку графики High Dynamic Range (HDR) для пользователей ПК.

Чтобы насладиться высоким динамическим диапазоном (HDR) в играх, убедитесь, что ваш монитор поддерживает HDR, и включите его в настройках Windows. Вы можете активировать эту функцию, включив «Windows HDR» в «Настройках цвета». Запустив игру, перейдите в меню «Настройки видео» и включите опцию «HDR».

Как геймер, я бы описал это так: Bethesda улучшила визуализацию удаленных персонажей, что позволяет мне видеть их более детально, даже если они находятся далеко от моего текущего местоположения. Кроме того, у меня есть возможность установить ограничение на количество символов, отображаемых одновременно в максимальном разрешении.

Благодаря этому последнему обновлению игра будет потреблять меньше ресурсов при простое или использовании определенных меню. Кроме того, изображение на вашем мониторе будет немного тускнеть в периоды бездействия.

Bethesda ввела в счетчики здоровья новое условие для отслеживания иммунитета к исцелению, представленное символом над неуязвимой целью. Кроме того, вас ждет множество новых достижений.

Как заядлый поклонник Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), я был бы рад рассказать, как вы можете присоединиться к общедоступному тестовому серверу (PTS) для пользователей ПК и Mac, независимо от того, являетесь ли вы уже владельцем ESO или оформили предзаказ Gold Road. . Чтобы получить доступ, перейдите в меню «Настройки» в панели запуска ESO. Обязательно включите опцию «Показать общедоступную тестовую среду». После активации загрузите и установите тестовую среду, чтобы погрузиться в эту захватывающую возможность формировать будущее Elder Scrolls Online!

Наконец, ниже вы можете найти полные примечания к патчу.

Примечания к выпуску патча 42 для The Elder Scrolls Online

As an avid gamer and a huge fan of visual enhancements, I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve introduced High Dynamic Range (HDR) support in our latest update for PC users. To enjoy this feature, ensure you have an HDR-compatible monitor and enable Windows HDR within the «Windows HDR Color Settings.» Once launched, navigate to the Video Settings menu and toggle on the «HDR» setting to fully immerse yourself in a breathtakingly vibrant gaming experience!

  • If Windows HDR is enabled (or disabled) while running the game, you will need to restart ESO in order to see the settings in game.
    • Once enabled, HDR can be used with any Window Mode (Fullscreen, Borderless, and Windowed) and moved between monitors.
    • If the game window is moved from a HDR enabled monitor to a monitor that does not support HDR, HDR will automatically be disabled.
  • One of the challenges of HDR is balancing the brightness and contrast of the game and its UI to fit your display. One such example is if the game is too bright, the UI may appear dim. In order to combat this, HDR has added new settings that allow for more control over the brightness, contrast, and look of ESO. If you have played on console with HDR enabled, these settings might already be familiar!
  • The following are new Video Settings on PC:
    • HDR enables or disables in-game HDR.
    • HDR Mode allows for you to change between the “default” look of ESO and a much more “vibrant” mode.
    • HDR Peak Brightness controls the overall brightness of the game. The higher the slider is, the brighter ESO will appear.
    • HDR Scene Brightness controls the brightness of the game, but not the brightness of the game’s UI.
    • HDR Scene Contrast controls the contrast of the game, but not the contrast of the game’s UI.
    • HDR UI Brightness controls the brightness of the UI, but does not affect the game’s brightness.
    • HDR UI Contrast controls the contrast of the UI, but does not affect the game’s contrast.

As a gamer, I can tell you that we’ve made some improvements to the way character resolution works in-game following the Min Spec updates in Version 41. Now, when NPCs and remote players are close by, their visual representation will be more accurately adjusted to enhance your gaming experience.

  • As has always been the case, characters that are closest to you will appear at the highest resolution we offer and as characters move further away, their resolution will decrease. That said, we have increased the distance before the resolution drops so you will now be able to see high resolution characters from farther away.
  • Additionally, the max number of characters that we show at this highest resolution was previously capped at a low number. We have added a new graphics setting on PC, “Character Resolution”, which allows you to control the presets for the number of higher resolution characters.
    • By default, Character Resolution is set to “Low”, so you will not see immediate changes to nearby characters. Increasing the preset to Medium/High/Ultra increases the number of higher resolution characters you can see and the distance at which you can see them.
    • The Graphics Presets adjust the new Character Resolution setting in the following ways:
      • Minimum Graphics: Low Character Resolution
      • Low Graphics: Low Character Resolution
      • Medium Graphics: Medium Character Resolution
      • High Graphics: High Character Resolution
      • Ultra Graphics: Ultra Character Resolution
      • Maximum Graphics: Ultra Character Resolution

Mail Improvements
We have made a number of interface and system improvements to Mail. All changes outlined below apply to both Keyboard & Mouse and Gamepad interfaces.

  • Mail Categories
    • Mail is now automatically sorted into three categories:
      • Player Mail – Messages received from other players in game.
      • System Mail – Messages received from various non-player sources that include item attachments, as well as any mails received from Customer Support.
      • System Alerts – Messages received from various non-player sources that are information-only and do not include attachments.
  • Mail Sorting
    • Player Mail is now sorted based on expiration with the most recently received message displayed at the top.
    • System Mail and System Alerts are sorted based on expiration with the soonest-to-expire message displayed at the top.
  • Attachment Preview
    • Mail headers now display the icon of their first attachment.
  • Inventory Space Display
    • The Mail screen now displays how many inventory slots are available on the current character.
  • “Delete After Claim” Option
    • This option on the Mail screen causes any System Mail to be automatically deleted after you claim its attachments, and is enabled by default.
    • Note this option does not affect Player Mail.
  • “Take All” Function
    • This button claims all attachments from all mails currently visible in the current active category (Player or System).
    • Mail is processed based on the currently sorted order and starts with the mail soonest to expire.
      • Note that Player Mail and System Mail have different sorting rules, explained above.
      • COD Player Mails and Customer Support mails are not affected by “Take All”.
    • If an attachment is unable to be claimed for any reason, such as unavailable inventory space, the process halts and no further attachments are claimed.
    • Note the “Delete After Claim” option, if enabled, will apply to every System Mail affected by “Take All” after attachments are claimed.
  • Mail Notifications
    • Upon logging in, you will now receive a notification if:
      • You received a mail that includes an attachment.
      • You have mails with attachments that are about to expire.
      • You receive a Hireling Correspondence mail.
  • Deleting Mails With Attachments
    • You can now delete a mail that still has an unclaimed attachment. A confirmation dialog will appear to ensure this is the intended action.

As a devoted crafter, I’m thrilled to share that now, all correspondence from my hired help across various crafting disciplines will be meticulously logged in a new segment of my Lore Library, aptly named «Hireling Correspondence.»

  • Hireling Correspondence is sorted by crafting discipline and the order the mails were received.
  • Hireling Correspondence is character-specific and entries into the Lore Library occur at the moment your character receives the Hireling mail (not when the mail is opened).
  • Any Hireling mails a character received prior to this update have been retroactively added to that character’s Hireling Correspondence.

I’m thrilled about our latest upgrade that aims to enhance server functionality! Part of this exciting development includes shortening the expiration periods for specific system mails. This modification is designed to optimize server performance and maintain stability.

  • These changes only affect mails you receive going forward. The expiration times of mails you received prior to this update have not changed, with the following exception:
    • A small number of information-only system mails that were previously set to never expire now have expiration timers.
  • Below are the updated expiration timers based on mail type:
    • Information-only System Mails: 7 days
    • Hireling Mails: 7 days
    • Activity Finder Rewards: 7 days
    • Rewards for the Worthy: 7 days
    • Guild Trader Purchases: 7 days
    • Guild Trader Returns / Sales: 14 days
    • Weekly Leaderboard Rewards: 14 days
    • Promotional rewards, such as Twitch Drops: 14 days to a maximum of 180 days
  • Mails with rewards generated by direct purchases made outside the game, such as Chapters and the Newcomer Pack, will continue to never expire.
  • As a reminder, the expiration timer for most mail types does not initiate until the mail is received while your character is logged in. There are, however, several exceptions where the timer begins when the mail is sent:
    • Player mail
    • Guild Trader mail – Includes item purchased, item sold, kiosk bids, etc.
    • Guild Finder Listing expired
    • Customer Service mails

ESO is embracing Microsoft’s eco-conscious gaming movement by introducing new environmentally friendly features. As part of Team Xbox, our goal is to share the excitement and camaraderie of gaming with all, while being mindful of the planet. We are committed to lessening our ecological footprint and empowering players to do the same during their gaming experience. Here’s a sneak peek at the eco-conscious features now available in ESO: [For more details on Xbox’s environmental sustainability initiatives, please refer to this webpage.]

  • Reduced GPU use during player inactivity (PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5): There’s no reason for your device to be working so hard when you aren’t doing anything. The game already checks that after 20 minutes of being inactive, our servers will kick players out to the main menu, where power consumption is minimal. Until that happens, though, it can be wasteful. The game client will now drop the resolution in half if it has not detected any input for 5 minutes. It will also impose a 30fps cap while inactive. This results in our power consumption going from 65% down to 24% when in Performance Mode when you are AFK.
  • Screen dimming while inactive (PC):  All major consoles have an OS level setting to do this but there is no PC counterpart, so ESO now includes one built in for PC. At the same time your resolution drops, we will dim the screen on a PC client. We felt it worthwhile since the data we found shows that screens that are not as bright will consume less power, especially for LED/OLED screens.
  • Reduced GPU use in Contextual Menus (Xbox Series X|S and PS5): When viewing most menus, (eg. managing inventory, achievements, quest journal, etc) framerate is now capped to 30fps. Some menus are exempt on a case-by-case basis (eg. conversations, various mini-games). Testing in Performance Mode while in these menus shows a 50% reduction in GPU consumption, resulting in overall power consumption going from approximately 63% of the maximum possible on a console down to 37%.

Improved Health Bars for Immunity to Healing:

Discovering fresh accomplishments in the Gold Road Chapter isn’t the only excitement! We’ve also incorporated new achievements as detailed below, and there’s a unique one to celebrate our decade-long journey.

  • There’s a new set of achievements that are awarded for an account’s rank in a given skill line.
    • Weapon Skills, which can be found under the Character achievements section, check for weapon skill lines at ranks 25 and 50:
      • One Handed
      • Two Handed
      • Shield
      • Dual Wield
      • Bow
      • Destruction Staff
      • Restoration Staff
    • Fighters and Mages Guild, found under the Guild achievements section, of at least rank 5.
    • Alliance War Assault and Support Skills, found under the Alliance War section, both of at least rank 5.
  • There is also a new achievement that is awarded for completing a decade’s worth of Tamriel main storylines.
    • Becoming a Hero of the Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, and Ebonheart Pact, as well as triumphing against Molag Bal
    • Coldharbour
    • Craglorn
    • Wrothgar
    • Hew’s Bane
    • Gold Coast
    • Vvardenfell
    • Clockwork city
    • Summerset
    • Murkmire
    • Northern Elsweyr
    • Southern Elsweyr
    • Western Skyrim
    • The Reach
    • Blackwood
    • The Deadlands
    • High Isle
    • Galen
    • Apocrypha
    • Gold Road
  • These achievements (and their components) will be automatically rewarded to those who have already accomplished the appropriate feats.

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2024-04-27 22:14