Патч 1.1 для СТАЛКЕР 2 имеет размер 110 ГБ и исправляет более 1800 проблем.

Как человек, проведший бесчисленные часы, путешествуя по пустынным ландшафтам S.T.A.L.K.E.R., я должен сказать, что это обновление — не что иное, как чудо. Такое ощущение, что разработчики сделали гигантский прыжок в будущее и взяли с собой в это путешествие меня, игрока.

GSC GameWorld представила значительное обновление для «СТАЛКЕР 2» под названием «Патч 1.1», дополненное подробным списком изменений. Удивительно большое обновление (около 110 ГБ) устраняет более 1800 проблем, о которых сообщили разработчики. Давайте посмотрим, что готовит нам этот новый патч.

Обновление 1.1, наконец, вносит некоторые улучшения в A-Life 2.0. В частности, решена проблема появления неигровых персонажей позади игрока, что было довольно неудобно. Кроме того, это значительно увеличивает расстояние, на котором игроки могут видеть персонажей A-Life, делая их более заметными в игровой зоне. Кроме того, благодаря этому обновлению игроки будут чаще сталкиваться с бродячими NPC по Зоне.

Кроме того, это обновление устраняет проблему чрезмерной оптимизации, которая ранее не позволяла NPC A-Life появляться в автономном режиме. Это улучшает способ передвижения этих NPC в автономном режиме за счет внедрения глобальной навигационной системы искусственного интеллекта. Кроме того, это повышает мотивацию NPC A-Life захватывать территорию и участвовать в боях с врагами или мутантами. Наконец, команды, отправляющиеся в Зону, теперь стали более разнообразными: члены представляют разные фракции и имеют разный размер групп.

Изначально эти возможности должны были быть включены в игру. Но я рад, что разработчики добавили их. Следовательно, вам больше не нужно полагаться на какие-либо Модификации Жизни.

В обновлении 1.1 представлено более пятидесяти улучшений, направленных на устранение таких проблем, как нестабильная листва, сбои текстур, сетка навигации и ошибки столкновений, что делает игру в целом более усовершенствованной. Кроме того, оно решает проблему, из-за которой игроки ранее не могли загрузить сохраненные игры после неожиданного прерывания игры или процесса Steam, обеспечивая более плавный игровой процесс.

В этом последнем обновлении GSC GameWorld оптимизировала игру для более плавной работы, особенно на перегруженных участках карты. Они рассмотрели более 200 случаев, когда игра могла вылетать, и исправили большинство из них. В этой версии также устранены визуальные ошибки в меню интерфейса во время использования DLSS, а также устранены проблемы с производительностью графических процессоров NVIDIA RTX серии 3000 при активации генерации кадров AMD FSR.

Также важно отметить, что обновление 1.1 включает в себя множество улучшений и корректировок ИИ игры, основных сценариев и дополнительных задач. Из-за возможных спойлеров я решил не описывать здесь эти изменения. Желающие узнать больше могут узнать подробности об этих улучшениях по этой ссылке.

По нашему мнению, это обновление должно гармонировать с модами, которые мы распространяли ранее. Следовательно, ожидается, что он будет без проблем работать с модом, который вводит в игру механизм лазания в стиле паркура, а также с модом, который позволяет быстро перемещаться по всей карте.

Еще в недавнем прошлом я с восторгом анонсировал модификацию, которая вернула культовый элемент из нашей заветной серии «СТАЛКЕР»: возможность грабить ресурсы у всех мутантов. Эта возможность, к сожалению, в оригинальном дизайне СТАЛКера 2, похоже, отсутствовала.

Наконец, вы можете скачать мод, который снимет ограничение на переносимость/вес инвентаря. Я не фанат этого последнего мода, но, эй, некоторым из вас он может понравиться. Также есть мод, который позволяет создавать динамические тени фонарика в реальном времени. Да, и еще у нас есть мод, который может еще больше улучшить графику игры и включить GTAO.

Как обычно, Steam загрузит это обновление при следующем открытии приложения. Вы также можете просмотреть журнал изменений ниже.

СТАЛКЕР 2 Обновление 1.1 Примечания к выпуску

  • Fixed the issue with spawning NPCs behind the player’s back.
  • Players can now encounter roaming NPCs across the Zone more often.
  • Greatly extended the distance at which A-Life NPCs are visible to the player.
  • Fixed the aggressive optimization issue that prevented A-Life NPCs to exist in Offline (out of player’s visualization range).
    • In Offline mode, A-Life will continue to advance towards their goals over time.
    • Players may now have opportunities to encounter A-Life NPCs they’ve previously met by following in the same direction as the NPCs.
  • Improved A-Life NPCs navigation in Offline using GameGraph (global AI navigation map):
    • Fixed multiple issues where NPCs would fail to follow or find a path to their designated goals.
    • Fixed several issues with NPC being stuck in Online-Offline transition state,
  • Enhanced A-Life NPCs’ motivation to expand territory and actively attack enemies and mutants.
  • Fixed issues that could result in fewer A-life NPCs encountered than intended.
  • Further contextual actions improvement to ensure seamless transitions between Offline and Online states for NPCs engaged in these actions.
  • The groups exploring the Zone are now more diverse regarding possible factions and group sizes.
  • Fixed issue that while roaming over the Zone, Human NPCs didn’t satisfy their communication needs and talks.

And some other development related improvements.

  • Reduced the number of summons and increased time between spawns of Pseudodog phantoms.
  • Fixed an issue when zombies would have their arms and legs twisted while knocked down.
  • Fixed an issue when large mutants would hide behind small cover, such as trees.
  • Fixed an issue when mutant limbs stretch sometimes when firing automatic weapons.
  • Fixed an issue when bloody visual effects played a few times after Rat’s death from grenade.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs quickly detected the player when he was crouching.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would enter doors without opening them.
  • Fixed the issue when the controller could take the main story NPCs under control.
  • Fixed an issue when Chimera would try to enter a narrow passage that it couldn’t enter instead of hiding in ambush.
  • Fixed an issue when NPC was teleporting to the restricted areas such as safe zones and hubs.
  • Fixed an issue where mutants that were in cover did not change their cover when receiving damage.
  • Fixed visual effects of Burer’s telepathic ability.
  • Minor combat behavior fixes for NPCs shooting from covers.
  • Fixed Burer’s throwing objects animation.
  • Fixed some issues with NPC staying idle and refusing to start mission-related dialogs.
  • Fixed an issue when mutants kept attacking zombies in knockdown.
  • Fixed an issue when NPCs are stuck in aiming animation.
  • Fixed an issue when death animation was replayed for an NPC who was resurrected as a zombie.
  • Fixed an issue when a neutral NPC stays neutral after a player hits them by melee attack.
  • Fixed an issue with some NPCs’ broken arms while shooting.
  • Generic improvement of combat experience and NPC pathfinding in big fights with lots of corpses.
  • Fixed an issue when Player was able to kill the chimera with the help of carousel anomaly.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would clip through objects and walls when shooting from covers.
  • Minor improvements for peaceful behavior of NPCs.
  • Fixed issue where NPCs wouldn’t stop combat on emission start.
  • Fixed an issue when some mutants couldn’t jump off an obstacle.
  • Fixed issue when NPCs were stuck after the end of emission.
  • Fixed bandits’ behaviour after emission ends during the mission Bullseye.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could teleport if the NPC couldn’t build a route.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could stop talking to each other after loading a save.
  • Fixed an issue when mutant dead bodies fly to a long distance from the places where they were killed by the shotgun.

And over 50 more minor “anomalies” were fixed.

  • Increasing rewards for several missions.
  • Fixed issue when artifacts with Physical Protection effect give maximum possible effect.
  • Changed “Goldfish” artifact value to 14000 coupons.
  • Fixed issue when player is able to have infinite coupons via selling and returning back any stackable consumable.
  • Fixed infinite money exploit with splitting a stack of weapons from selling windows.
  • Fixed issue when A-Life NPC’s can be spawned dead with full clips of ammo.
  • Increased Snork’s abilities cooldown time by 30%.
  • Gauss rifle damage was increased.
  • Recalculated rewards for the Harpy’s missions.
  • Fixed instant player death after getting almost full radiation bar.
  • Fixed that Poltergeist and Burer do not deal damage with thrown objects in some cases.
  • Removed the POS 8x scope from the assortment of several merchants.
  • Tweaked damage from PSY fields.

With over 10 more minor fixes delivered.

  • Investigated, and applied further improvements to dead zones and curves for gamepad movement, aiming and camera controls for a more smooth and controllable experience using sticks on controller.
  • Performance improvements in largely populated areas of the map.
  • Fixed performance drops on NVIDIA RTX 3000 series video cards with enabled FSR frame generation.
  • Fixed issue with game freezing on exiting a tunnel during A Light in the End of the Tunnel mission.
  • Fixed issue with not working Razer Kishi Ultra controller, which connected via Bluetooth or cable connection.
  • Fixed issue where MSI Force Pro Wireless Controller didn’t work via Bluetooth or dongle connection.
  • Fixed issue when Xbox X/S controller didn’t work via Bluetooth connection.
  • Controller input improvements.
  • Fixed issue with visual artifacts in In-Game UI with DLSS enabled.
  • Fixed issue when building disappears in player’s camera at Factory location.
  • Fixed issue with a building near Yantar popping into Player’s view while approaching it.
  • Fixed fps drops that could be created by large amounts of water particles.
  • Fixed fps drops during interaction with corpses in shallow water.
  • Fixed multiple EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes.
  • Fixed multiple Fatal Errors, Low Level Fatal Errors, and Assertion Failures.

Overall, over 200 crashes were investigated, and further fixes were implemented.

  • Multiple improvements to facial animations and voiceover for both languages in several cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue with missing frames in several cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue with missing NPCs in several cutscenes.
  • Fixed issue when main characters and NPCs can have idle behavior or detached parts of the body/equipment in several cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue with missing subtitles in several cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue with missing Haptic feedback in several cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue with the final cutscene not playing in The Eternal Shining mission.
  • Fixed the issue where the cutscene at the end of the Back to the Slag Heap mission did not start.
  • Fixed an issue where Player could die during the cutscene during the The Last Step mission.

Overall, over 80 cutscenes issues were addressed.

  • Fixed physics for ammo boxes and broken lamps.
  • Fixed some issues where NPCs could get stuck in a doorway at different locations.
  • Fixed issue where ladder descends, sound could loop and Players would clip through the ladder after climbing from it.
  • Fixed sound on interacting with the dead body.
  • Fixed issue where NPC touching the door during movement or combat caused the door shaking.
  • Fixed that interaction hints for loot and pick-up bodies appeared at different distances from the body.
  • Fixed the interaction prompt for healing being active when the player did not have medkit.
  • Fixed the issue when some consumables could have been non-interactable.
  • Fixed that Lightning Ball sometimes gets stuck during movement in Opachychi village.
  • Fixed that sometimes artifacts did not appear in arch anomalies.
  • Improved dead bodies physics.
  • Fixed when player’s equipment was damaged while player was crouching in Razor.
  • Fixed corpses disappearing issue.
  • Fixed stretched texture on some trees in the open world.
  • Fixed an issue with Toxic Cloud anomaly idle VFX.
  • Fixed an issue with rat swarms spawning above the cave in Mist archanomaly.
  • Fixed an issue when characters became wet in dry spaces after loading the last save.
  • Fixed an issue with sharp weather changes present at 4:30 morning time and 23:59 night time.
  • Fixed that Wandering lights anomaly doesn’t always spawn its artifact.
  • Fixed issue with Bulba arch-anomaly sometimes not appearing.
  • Fixed issue with non-lootable corpses spawning at the border between Cordon and Lesser Zone regions.
  • Fixed that player was unable to reach the artifact near “Abandoned Hamlet” on Swamps.
  • Increase distance for combat barks.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs would get stuck in a doorway during the emission in Zalissya hub.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could spawn and get stuck on isolated surfaces (cars, boxes etc.).
  • Improved bullet penetration visual effects.
  • Improved cloth simulation for corpses of NPCs.
  • Fixed issue with blood decals.
  • Fixed an issue where far distance areas of the environment appeared too bright at night.
  • Fixed an issue where Zombies’ waking-up animation was restarted every time Player looked away.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes an emission started during a cutscene would not end.
  • Fixed an issue where diggers around the Slag Heap did not stop being aggressive to Player after the end of combat.

And some other improvements.

  • Fixed issue that helmets don’t have Psi and Rad protection.
  • Fixed issue with armors “SSP-100 Discovery” and “SSP-99 Ecologist” have no PSI protection.
  • Fixed issue when players can not install Lead Container upgrade on PSZ-5V Guardian of Freedom Suit.
  • Smoke was made less intense at shots from a weapon with silencer.
  • Fixed broken arm during magazine attachment to machine gun.
  • Fixed bullet visibility in magazine during reload.
  • Added splashing sound for bolts hitting the water surface.
  • Fixed an issue where empty shells were ejected instead of bullets when unloading after ammo type was changed.
  • Improved interruption for animation sequences with weapon reload and consumable items usage.
  • Fixed issue with bolt impact sound missing during long distance throws.
  • Minor fixes for rifle scopes appearance.
  • Fixed issue with items not being consumed when used via quick slot hotkeys.
  • Fixed issue where main weapon upgrades were applied to installed underbarrel modules.
  • Minor fixes for animations of jammed weapons.
  • Fixed an issue when the player was able to equip the detector with the primary weapon simultaneously.
  • The cause of death is now correctly displayed on the Death Screen.
  • Fixed issue where Player would clip into the wall or other object while performing a melee stealth kill close to it.
  • Fixed issue with VFX particles for psy phantoms missing, when shooting close to their models.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause losing controls after playing guitar.
  • Fixed an issue where player could get unlimited carrying capacity, upgrading unequipped armor.
  • Fixed an issue where player could get unlimited stamina after starting dialog while crouched.

And over 50 other issues were addressed.

  • Updated in-game tutorials to improve first time user experience.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would approach a mission location and new weapons would randomly spawn and equip in hand.
  • Fixed an issue where the player is unable to swap compared weapons’ positions while trading.
  • Enabled upgrades for X7 suit.
  • Added possibility to revert detachment of pre-installed modules in Upgrade menu.
  • Added unique markers for mutants with electro collars.
  • Reworked UI of system notifications for received items.
  • Updated descriptions of multiple armor upgrades.
  • Fixed issues where mission markers on NPC disappeared forever after NPC became hostile towards Player.
  • Removed ability to trade with NPCs at Noontide base.
  • Reworked a few UI elements in the Upgrades menu of the PDA.
  • Reworked design for a few icons in the PDA menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the upgrade tree UI changed its direction inconsistently after switching between different weapons.
  • Fixed missing animation for ammo type change from gamepad.
  • Fixed threat indication appearance after closing the main menu.
  • Fixed missing mouse scroll sound in PDA.
  • Fixed that output device option resets after restarting the client.
  • Fixed issue when after loading a specific save file, a black screen appears.
  • Removed redundant pop-up window on resetting settings to default.
  • Upscaling quality settings in options were translated.
  • Stashes marker color changed to violet.
  • Fixed technicians not being able to install certain armor upgrades.
  • Fixed that SSP-100 Discovery armor cannot be upgraded by any technician.
  • Fixed an issue where consumables could not be applied via quick slots.
  • Fixed issue where crosshair doesn’t appear after reload if R button was pressed again.
  • Fixed scrolling issue inside a note in PDA.
  • Fixed an issue where the user would move slowly and was unable to sprint after loading a save file that was created when the user was leaning.
  • Fixed issue with “HDR White Point” option.

And almost 100 other “anomalies” were fixed in this section.

  • Fixed the issue when “The four Winds” achievement cannot be received.
  • Fixed issue when “Bingo” achievement cannot be received.
  • Fixed issue when players were unable to unlock achievements in the EGS store.
  • Fixed the issue when the player was unable to load existing saves after the title and steam process was terminated unexpectedly.
  • Fixed issue with missing save files after PC\Xbox hard reboot.
  • Over 15 localization and voiceover updates.
  • Over 40 audio adjustments and volume tweaks of various types.
  • Over 20 improvements to some character and NPCs visuals appearance.
  • Foliage.
  • Texture flickering.
  • Bugs in navigation meshes.
  • Collisions.
  • Errors in object positioning and contextual actions.
  • VFX-related fixes.
  • Non-destructible objects.
  • And more.

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2024-12-19 12:38