Обновление Elden Ring 1.13 доступно для скачивания, и здесь собраны все его исправления, настройки, изменения и улучшения.

Обновление Elden Ring 1.13 доступно для скачивания, и здесь собраны все его исправления, настройки, изменения и улучшения.

Как опытный геймер с более чем двадцатилетним опытом за плечами, я должен сказать, что меня весьма впечатлили последние примечания к патчу для этой игры. Разработчики явно потратили время на устранение и исправление множества ошибок, больших и маленьких, что всегда приветствуется.

Как давний поклонник игр FromSoftware и Elden Ring в частности, я всегда рад выпуску нового патча. С выходом обновления 1.13 мое ожидание достигло рекордно высокого уровня. Итак, позвольте мне рассказать вам об обновлениях, которыми нас порадовала FromSoftware.

В последнем обновлении 1.13 я заметил впечатляющее увеличение урона от равновесия некоторых видов оружия, которые я использую! Кроме того, кажется, что точная настройка также сократила период неуязвимости во время отступлений, когда я ношу Талисман «Тонкое перо тигля» или «Талисман всех тиглей». Благодаря этому от быстрых и уклончивых врагов будет сложнее увернуться!

1. Благодаря этому обновлению нападающие удары Легкого большого меча будут оказывать большее воздействие на врагов, поскольку анимация их урона будет улучшена. Более того, сила атаки и снижение урона призванных духов (за исключением «Слезы мимика») усиливаются, когда они достигают повышенного уровня «+8» или выше.

Патч 1.13 включает в себя ряд улучшений скорости, но разработчики не предоставили подробностей. Стоит отметить, что это обновление не устраняет проблемы с заиканием при обходе. Таким образом, хотя можно заметить некоторое улучшение, существенного повышения производительности ожидать не следует.

Как преданный фанат, я рад сообщить, что обновление 1.13 содержит множество улучшений, в частности многочисленные исправления ошибок! Например, исправлена ​​проблема с Большим мечом Темной Луны, из-за которой некоторые обычные атаки наносили меньший урон, чем предполагалось. Он также устраняет ошибки, которые нарушали поведение противника в определенных условиях и предотвращали вызов NPC при достижении максимального количества участников совместной многопользовательской игры.

Как всегда, Steam загрузит это обновление при следующем запуске клиента.

Привет, уважаемый любитель игр! Я сам был там – знаете чувство, когда выходит обновление игры, и для нас это как рождественское утро? Взволнованы, но в то же время немного ошеломлены всеми изменениями? Именно это я чувствую, делясь этим с вами.

Примечания к выпуску обновления 1.13 Elden Ring

PvP-exclusive balance adjustments


  • Increased poise damage of normal attacks for the following weapon types:
    Light Great Swords / Backhand Blades / Hand-to-Hand Arts / Beast Claws
  • Increased poise damage of dual wield attacks for the following weapon types:
    Straight Swords / Thrusting Swords / Curved Swords / Katanas / Spears / Whips / Fists / Claws
  • Increased poise damage of the Claws of Night throwing attacks.
  • Decreased the backstep invulnerability window when the Fine Crucible Feather Talisman or the Talisman of All Crucibles are equipped.



Savage Lion’s Claw

  • The second hit of the follow-up attack is now easier to land.
  • Decreased damage animation of the first attack against other players.

Raging Beast

  • Decreased invulnerability window against other players’ attacks.

Blind Spot

  • Decreased invulnerability window against other players’ attacks.

Palm Blast

  • Decreased poise amount generated when charging this skill.


Spell and Incantations

Miriam’s Vanishing

  • Decreased invulnerability window against other players’ attacks.

Knight’s Lightning Spear

  • Increased attack power of the initial lightning spear.
  • Decreased attack power of the spears launched after the first one.
  • Decreased poise damage of all spears generated by this spell.


General balance adjustments

  • Increased damage animation of the Light Greatsword charge attacks against enemies (other than players).
  • Increased the stats & status of the following NPCs that can be summoned in some areas:
    • Needle Knight Leda / Pureblood Knight Ansbach / Thiollier
  • Increased the attack power and damage negation of summoned spirits, excluding the Mimic Tear, when the Revered Spirit Ash Blessing is at [5] or more.
  • Increased the attack power and damage negation of summoned spirits, excluding the Mimic Tear, when upgraded to “+8” or higher.



Upgrading these weapons — Repeating Crossbow, Spread Crossbow, and Rabbath’s Cannon — will enhance their attack power.

Shield of Night

  • Increased damage negation when blocking physical attacks.


  • Increased Holy damage when the weapon has its luster restored.
  • Decreased the number of attacks required to restore the weapon’s luster.
  • Increased the duration of the luster restoration effect.

Golden Lion Shield

  • Increase guard strength.

Golem Fist

  • Added a damage hitbox to the hand portion of the ranged fist attack.

Smithscript Greathammer

  • Increased poise damage of the swing portion of throwing attacks (the projectile is unchanged).

Spread Crossbow

  • Decreased the generated status buildup when used with Bolts that have status effects.

Ailment Talisman

  • After the onset of a status ailment, the status build up (or duration) of said ailment will now also be reduced immediately by a certain amount.

Clarifying Horn Charm / Clarifying Horn Charm +1 / Clarifying Horn Charm +2

  • Increased Focus resistance.



Savage Lion’s Claw

  • Increased attack power and poise damage of the first attack.

Swift Slash

  • Reduced movement distance when using this skill
  • Extended recovery time.

Overhead Stance

  • Increased attack power against enemies (other than players).

Aspects of the Crucible: Wings

  • Increased attack power.
  • Increased directional control, as well as amount of poised generated when using this skill.

Lightspeed Slash

  • The additional light attacks are now affected by the attack power and ability scaling of the weapon.

Rancor Slash

  • Increased attack power of the vengeful spirits.
  • Increased stamina damage against guarding enemies.

Revenger’s Blade

  • Increased directional control for follow up attacks after a strong attack.

Horn Calling

  • Increased attack power against enemies (other than players).

Horn Calling: Storm

  • Increased attack power against enemies (other than players).

Weed Cutter

  • Increased the speed of attacks.

Romina’s Purification

  • Increased poise value when using this skill.

Red Bear Hunt

  • Increased attack power.
  • Increased poise value when using this skill.

Rancor Shot

  • Decreased status buildup generation when used with Arrows that have status effects.

Repeating Fire

  • Adjusted attack power to compensate for increase in weapon damage

Feeble Lord’s Frenzied Flame

  • Reduced Frenzy status effect buildup against enemies.

Revenge of the Night

  • Increased poise damage and attack power when this skill is used immediately after guarding against an enemy attack.



Glintblade Trio

  • Increased attack power.

Blades of Stone

  • Adjusted attack power of the first, second and third charge attacks.
  • Increased attack power of the non-charged attack.
  • Increased attack power of the first hit of the charged attack, and reduced attack power of the second and third hits.
  • Increased attack range and attack speed.

Glintstone Nail

  • Increased attack power and improved enemy tracking.

Glintstone Nails

  • Increased attack power and improved enemy tracking.

Impenetrable Thorns

  • All generated Impenetrable Thorns will now track enemies.
  • Decreased attack power and poise damage.
  • Decreased the Hemorrhage status buildup and stamina damage against guarding enemies.

Rings of Spectral Light

  • Increased attack power and Frostbite status buildup.

Vortex of Putrescence

  • Increased attack power and Frostbite status buildup.



Minor Erdtree

  • Increased HP recovery amount.

Land of Shadow

  • Improved enemy tracking.


  • Increased attack speed.

Watchful Spirit

  • Improved enemy tracking.

Divine Beast Tornado

  • Increased attack power.
  • Enemies hit by the tornado will now be launched upwards.
  • The tornado will be less likely to disappear due to collision with the terrain.

Rain of Fire

  • Increased attack power.
  • Reduced the interval between each hit.

Roar of Rugalea

  • Increased poise damage and attack power.

Furious Blade of Ansbach

  • Increased attack power.

Rotten Butterflies

  • Increased Scarlet Rot status buildup.
  • Reduced the interval between damage ticks.
  • Increased attack range.



Wandering Noble

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Noble Sorcerer

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Nomad Ashes

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Putrid Corse

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Skeletal Militiaman

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Skeletal Bandit

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Winged Misbegotten

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Oracle Envoys

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Lone Wolf Ashes

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Rotten Stray Ashes

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Giant Rat Ashes

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Increased HP, physical attack power and Fire attack power.
  • Increased Stance status.

Land Squirt

  • Increased HP.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Spirit jellyfish

  • Increased HP, physical attack power and poison status ailment buildup on enemies.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Spider Scorpion

  • Increased physical attack power, poison status ailment buildup on enemies and damage negation except for strike and fire attributes.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Fanged Imp

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Bigmouth Imp

  • Increased HP and Fire attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Increased HP and magic attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Soldjar of Fortune

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Greatshield Soldiers

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Vulgar Militia

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Marionette Soldier

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Avionette Soldier

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Kaiden Mercenary

  • Increased HP and physical attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Mad Pumpkin Head

  • Increased physical attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Fire Monks

  • Increased HP and Fire attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Ancestral Follower

  • Increased physical attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Horned Warrior

  • Increased HP and damage negation except for pierce attacks.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Azula Beastman

  • Increased HP and lightning attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Will no longer stagger as easily.
  • Increased physical attack power.

Kindred of Rot

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Bloodfiend Hexer’s

  • Increased hemorrhage status ailment buildup on enemies.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Glintstone sorcerer

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Twinsage Sorcerer

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.


  • Increased HP.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Godrick Soldier

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Raya Lucaria Soldier

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Leyndell Soldier

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Radahn Soldier

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Haligtree Soldier

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Mausoleum Soldier

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Messmer Soldier

  • Increased Hp and physical attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Stormhawk Deenh

  • Increased HP and physical attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.
  • Increased duration of effect to increase the attack power given to allies.

Banished Knight Oleg

  • Increased physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Banished Knight Engval

  • Increased physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Bloodhound Knight Floh

  • Increased HP, physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Black Knight Captain Huw

  • Increased physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Black Knight Commander Andreas

  • Increased damage negation and guard boost against Holy and Physical attacks.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Fire Knight Hilde

  • Increased Fire attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Fire Knight Queelign

  • Increased Vigor and Faith.

Swordhand of Night Jolán

  • Increased Vigor and Dexterity.

Jolán and Anna

  • Increased Vigor and Dexterity.

Battlemage Hugues

  • Increased physical attack power and magic attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Latenna the Albinauric

  • Increased HP, physical attack power, and magic attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Perfumer Tricia

  • Increased HP.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Depraved Perfumer Carmaan

  • Increased fire attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Omenkiller Rollo

  • Increased HP, physical attack power, and Fire attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Blackflame Monk Amon

  • Increased HP and Fire attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Curseblade Meera

  • Increased HP and physical attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Demi-Human Swordsman Yosh

  • Increased HP, physical attack power, and magic attack power.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff

  • Increased Lightning attack power and damage negation against Physical, Lightning, and Holy Attack affinities.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Redmane Knight Ogha

  • Increased physical attack power and damage negation against Physical and Fire attack affinities.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Lhutel the Headless

  • Increased physical attack power and damage negation against physical attacks.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Cleanrot Knight Finlay

  • Increased physical attack power and damage negation against Physical, Magic, and Holy Attack affinities.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Black Knife Tiche

  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Divine Bird Warrior Ornis

  • Increased HP and damage negation against Physical attacks except Pierce attacks.
  • Will no longer stagger as easily.

Ancient Dragon Florissax

  • Increased Arcane.
  • Increased damage negation against all affinities.
  • Increased Skills and Incantations usage rate.
  • Increased the speed and poise values during some attacks.

Finger Maiden Therolina Puppet

  • Increased Vigor and Faith.

Jarwight Puppet

  • Increased Vigor.

Dolores the Sleeping Arrow Puppet

  • Increased Vigor.

Nepheli Loux Puppet

  • Increased Vigor and Strength.

Dung Eater Puppet

  • Increased Vigor.

Nightmaiden & Swordstress

  • Increased HP and physical attack power.


Bug Fixes

  • Changed the default selection of the OK / CANCEL prompt that shows up when using the “Spectral Steed Whistle” while the spectral steed is dead. The default selection position is now OK.
  • Adjusted the placement of NPC summon signs in certain boss fight areas.
  • Changed the NPC summon signs in certain boss fights to allow the user to summon NPCs simply by pressing the action button once.
  • Fixed a bug where the damage of some normal attacks of the Dark Moon Greatsword were lower than intended.
  • Fixed the physical attack attribute menu display of the “Warpick” weapon.
  • Fixed a bug where some attacks of the “Swift Spear” weapon were different than expected in terms of power, damage motion and hitbox generation timing.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the “Twinblade Talisman” from affecting the Perfume Bottles weapon type when equipped and used in the left hand.
  • Fixed a bug where the physical attack attributes of some attacks of the Thrusting Shields weapon type were different than expected.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the use of Arrows / Great Arrows / Bolts / Great Bolts that should not be usable for the following weapon types:
    Light Bows / Long Bows / Greatbows / Crossbows / Ballistas
  • Fixed a bug where the effect of increasing the power of the Incantation “Light of Miquella” of the “Circlet of Light” helmet was not applied correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused FP consumption when using the “Unending Dance” Skill while not meeting the ability requirements of the weapon “Dancing Blade of Ranah”.
  • Fixed a bug where the physical attack attribute of some attacks of the “Deadly Dance” Skill was different than expected.
  • Fixed a bug where the physical attack attribute of the “Scattershot Throw” Skill of the “Claws of Night” weapon was different than expected.
  • Fixed a bug where the following Skills did not change correctly when performed with or without FP.
  • Dynastic Sickleplay / Raging Beast / Repeating Crossbow Fire
    • Fixed a bug where a different Rage Art was sometimes performed when following up with a strong attack after using the “Raging Beast” and “Dynasty Sickleplay” Skills.
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain Skills to perform differently than expected under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some Spells / Incantations that can be used in the air from being used in the air under some conditions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Golden Arcs” Incantation to generate attacks slower when cast with the left hand.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Rain of Fire” Incantation sometimes did not hit enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Furious Blade of Ansbach” Incantation did not apply Hemorrhage status build up.
  • Fixed a bug where under some circumstances, the move distance when casting some Spells / Incantations was different than expected.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes interrupted the cast of the “Roar of Rugalea” Incantation.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Cherishing Fingers” magic attack sometimes did not hit.
  • Fixed a bug in the behavior of the Mimic Tear spirit when casting Spells, Incantations and Skills.
  • Fixed a bug where  NPCs could be summoned when the maximum number of cooperative multiplayer members had been reached.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some items to display different icons than expected.
  • Fixed a bug where exiting the game or going through a loading screen immediately after defeating “Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers” could make the dropped items unobtainable.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from performing Critical hits on some enemies.
  • Fixed a bug in which some attacks on certain enemies were interpreted differently than expected.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented rune gains when defeating some enemies.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some enemies from working properly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where the Multiplayer area borders were different than intended in some areas.
  • Fixed a bug where the player would spawn in a different place than intended when invading another player’s world
  • Fixed a bug in the map menu that caused some NPC icons in the Realm of Shadow to not display properly.
  • Fixed a bug in the design of the map of Realm of Shadow and the “Map Fragment” icon.
  • Fixed a bug where some cutscenes were not displayed correctly under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where some sound effects did not play correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where some effects were not displayed correctly.
  • Several performance improvements and other bug fixes.


Steam-only adjustments

  • Fixed a bug where “Anti-aliasing Quality” was unintentionally set to “High” each time the game was restarted.

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2024-07-30 15:38